Thomas D. Jensen, Thomas J. Evenson, and Amy E. Boyle from Lind, Jensen, Sullivan & Peterson, PA, were retained by chiropractors and their clinics to defend them in a lawsuit commenced by several insurers in the United States District Court, District of Minnesota. The insurers asserted several claims, including but not limited RICO and anti-kickback claims, against the chiropractors and their clinics. As early as possible, a motion to dismiss was filed on behalf of the chiropractors and... Read more →
Mark Fredrickson wrapped up his term as President of the Minnesota Defense Lawyers Association at its annual meeting and Trial Techniques Seminar on August 14-16, in Duluth, Minnesota. In appreciation of his service to the organized defense bar, Tom Schultz, North Central Regional Director of dri,The Voice of the Defense Bar, presented him with its Exceptional Performance Citation for 2013-14. Mark continues his service in MDLA for another year as President Emeritus in 2014-15.
Lind, Jensen, Sullivan & Peterson, P.A. is pleased to announce that 11 lawyers have been named Super Lawyers™ and an additional 4 lawyers have been named Rising Stars™ by Minnesota Super Lawyers. 2014 Minnesota Super Lawyers William L. Davidson Appellate Mark A. Fredrickson PI General: Defense Thomas D. Jensen Civil Lit: Defense Patrick J. Larkin Construction Litigation Richard A. Lind Business Litigation Jack D. Moore PI General: Defense Timothy J.... Read more →
Tim Jung will be a guest speaker at GPS Group's workshop on Workers Compensation and Employment Law on Thursday, July 31. Additional information can be found at this link: July-Invite.
Jack Moore was recently re-certified as a senior civil trial specialist by the Minnesota State Bar Association. This certification runs through May 2020.
Bill Davidson and Lind, Jensen, Sullivan & Peterson, P.A. will be appearing before the Minnesota Supreme Court representing an amicus curiae, or “friend of the court.” The firm represents TechServe Alliance, a national trade association of information technology and engineering staffing and solution firms. TechServe Alliance has over 300 member companies in over 40 states. The Minnesota Supreme Court granted leave to TechServe Alliance to appear in an appeal addressing the scope... Read more →
Lind, Jensen, Sullivan & Peterson, PA, sponsored a hole at the 18th Annual Law Alumni Golf Tournament. Attorneys Thomas J. Evenson and Tim J. O'Connor along with their clients partook in this wonderful golf event raising funds for Hamline University School of Law students.
On June 10, 2014, Thomas J. Evenson and his co-presenter, David D. Riley from Eide Bailly LLP, presented at the 2014 IASA (Insurance Accounting and Systems Association, Inc.) Educational Conference & Business Show in Indianapolis, Indiana. Their presentation was called Fraudsters, Fraudsters Everywhere - Case Studies. Fraud is occurring throughout Corporate America, including insurance companies, their employees. The presentation used actual case studies to explore various fraud... Read more →
On June 3, 2014, Matt Sloneker gave a presentation on premises liability issues to Welsh & Colliers International, an organization of commercial real estate professionals. Topics included preventing, investigating, and defending bodily injury and property damage claims against commercial property owners, managers, and tenants.
Lind, Jensen, Sullivan & Peterson will be hosting its 6th Annual Sharpen Your Skills Workers’ Compensation Seminar on June 4, 2014 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. at Orchestra Hall, located at 1111 Nicollet Mall, in downtown Minneapolis. We expect a lively discussion on the following topics: Subrogation 101, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Job Accommodations: Employment Law Considerations, and 401 Comp; Retirement Demographics and Defenses. Thomas Beniak, Ph.D. ABPP and Agapitos Papagapitos, Ph.D.... Read more →
Tom Jensen will be speaking on the topic “Defense of Financial Professionals: Securities Litigation in the FINRA Arbitration Setting” at Professional Liability Defense Federation’s 2014 Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. on September 18, 2014.
Paul C. Peterson has been elected as a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers. The American College is composed of the best of the trial bar from the United States and Canada and is widely considered to be the premier professional trial organization in America. Founded in 1950, the College is dedicated to maintaining and improving standards of trial practice, the administration of justice, and the ethics of the profession. Fellowship is extended only by invitation, after careful... Read more →
At the Minnesota Women Lawyers 42nd Annual Meeting, which was held on May 19, 2014, Connie Armstrong was elected as treasurer for Minnesota Women Lawyers and will serve on the 2014-2015 Board of Directors. Her board term will begin July 1, 2014. http://www.mwlawyers.org/news/165030/MWL-Announces-Slate-of-Candidates-for-2014-15-Board-of-Directors.htm
In C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc. v. SnacLite, LLC, Carver County (MN) District Court File No. 10-CV-14-214, the court ruled on May 15, 2014 that our firm’s clients were not subject to the jurisdiction of Minnesota courts. The ruling relied on two recent U.S. Supreme Court cases decided this year (Walden v. Fiore and Daimler A.G. v. Bauman) that address limits on the exercise of general and specific personal jurisdiction by courts over non-resident defendants.
Tom Jensen recently was re-certified as a civil trial advocate by the National Board of Trial Advocacy. Originally certified on January 13, 1999, Tom’s board certification now will run through January 13, 2019.
Eric Steinhoff and Matt Sloneker were guest speakers at the April 11, 2014, Hennepin County Bar Association's Professionalism CLE entitled "Lawyer Liability to Non-Client Third Parties". Steinhoff and Sloneker discussed how some lawyers may have civil liability to non-clients, including the third party beneficiary rule outside the estate planning context, the implications of opinion letters, and exposures relating to fraud and aiding and abetting.
Lind, Jensen, Sullivan & Peterson, P.A. is pleased to announce that Connie Armstrong has been recognized by Super Lawyers for inclusion in the 2014 Top Women Attorneys in Minnesota selection. The women attorneys who were selected as 2013 Super Lawyers or Rising Stars are featured in the 2014 Top Women Attorneys in Minnesota list, which is published in the April 2014 issue of Twin Cities Business and the Minneapolis-St. Paul Magazine. Super Lawyers is a Thomson Reuters business that... Read more →
Lindsay has 10 years of experience as a litigation paralegal, primarily in the areas of professional malpractice, products liability and personal injury. She has previously worked as a paralegal in Chicago, Illinois. Lindsay attended the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, earning a B.A. degree in Behavioral Science and Law.
On March 27, 2014, Tim Jung and Matt Sloneker spoke at the Minnesota Trucking Association’s Trucking Law Conference. Tim and Matt discussed the “reptilian approach” now being utilized by personal injury plaintiffs in increasing numbers, and offered insight into how to combat such tactics. They also discussed the preparation of safety managers and drivers for depositions in this new environment.
Lind Jensen attorneys recently obtained dismissals of lawsuits on behalf of their clients in two separate matters. Brian Wood and Eric Steinhoff obtained dismissal for their client in a Carver County lawsuit. The Court found their client did not have any notice of the hazard upon which Plaintiff fell. Through discovery and depositions Brian and Eric were able to establish that Plaintiff did not have sufficient evidence to meet the evidentiary standard required to overcome summary... Read more →
Eric Steinhoff and Lauren D’Cruz recently obtained the dismissal of a lawsuit against their low-income client, who was sued in a dispute over distribution of a decedent’s estate. Eric and Lauren volunteered to take the case through the Federal Bar Association’s Pro Se Project. They filed a motion to dismiss based on failure to state a claim and res judicata. Plaintiff then agreed to dismiss the case, with prejudice, with no payment by the client, who would not have been in a position to... Read more →
Tom Jensen was appointed chair of the Hennepin County Bar Association’s Nominating Committee that will recommend to the Board of Directors candidates to fill the association’s leadership ranks including the 2017-18 President.
A national commercial insurer recently graded the firms counsel at 9.65 out of 10 in its yearly report card.
Tim Jung was a guest presenter at the MLA’s Protecting Your Property Workshop held on Thursday, February 4, 2014. Tim presented on Managing Employees after Workers’ Compensation Injuries by sharing strategies covering return to modified work, coordination with FMLA, disciplinary actions such as termination, and maintaining a productive workplace.
Tim Jung and Brian Wood were guest presenters at the Minnesota Trucking Association’s Safety Conference, held on January 23, 2014. Wood and Jung presented on the topic of “Preparedness – Mock Depositions”.
Phil Duran, President of the Minnesota State Bar Association, has appointed Lind Jensen attorney Dave Bateson to serve on the association’s Challenges to the Practice of Law Task Force. The Task Force will “explore and make recommendations as to how the MSBA can assist member lawyers in responding to emerging challenges, including though not necessarily limited to challenges posed by student-debt loads, technological changes, and activities that may represent unauthorized practice of... Read more →
Lind, Jensen, Sullivan & Peterson, P.A. shareholder Matt Sloneker presented at the recent Mid-Winter Conference of the Minnesota Defense Lawyers Association. Along with Crane Engineering Building Science president Stefan Helgeson, AIA, ASLA, Matt presented on the use of experts in construction defect and premises liability cases. The presentation included an overview of the various bases for liability in such cases, including statutory warranties and the Minnesota Common Interest... Read more →
Lind, Jensen, Sullivan & Peterson, P.A. attorneys Maureen Alvino, Lauren D’Cruz, and Amy Lanser served as volunteer judges for the Minnesota High School Mock Trial Program this month. The Mock Trial Program is sponsored by the Minnesota State Bar Association and introduces high school students to the American legal system by providing a challenging opportunity for personal growth and achievement.
Lind, Jensen, Sullivan & Peterson, P.A. is proud to be selected as Minnesota's Top Medium-Sized Litigation Firm.
The Minnesota Defense Lawyers Association has elected Mark A. Fredrickson as President for 2013-2014. MDLA, an organization consisting of 700 members, is celebrating its 50th anniversary of serving the needs of lawyers engaging primarily in the defense and trial of civil disputes. Along with his newly elected position, Mark will continue his law practice and his role as the firm’s Managing Director. Mark is also an active member of DRI and the Federation of Defense and Corporate Counsel.... Read more →
Lind, Jensen, Sullivan & Peterson, P.A. is very proud to announce Connie Armstrong, a 2006 graduate of William Mitchell College of Law, and Thomas Evenson, a 2002 graduate of Hamline Law School have been elected as firm shareholders. Both practice in the litigation group, and are incredible assets to the firm.
Firm President Rick Lind recently won two court battles in Goodhue County that involved millions of tons of frac sand. The client, Bob Stein, filed a lawsuit in March 2011 alleging that he'd been improperly cut out of a land deal after an Oklahoma energy company, Windsor Permian, purchased 94 acres near Red Wing for $1.5 million. In the court case Stein v. Wesch, et. al., a five-day jury trial ended with the jury ruling that Windsor Permian and its subsidiaries had intentionally... Read more →
David M. Bateson and John Medeiros have joined the firm as associate attorneys practicing in our litigation and workers' compensation groups. Dave is a 2000 graduate of the University of Minnesota Law School and former Dean of Students at the University of St. Thomas. John is a 2008 graduate of the University of Minnesota and clerked for the Honorable John Rotenberg at the Minnesota Court of Appeals.
Thomas D. Jensen was elected President of the Hennepin County Bar Association for the 2012-2013 term. As President he will represent 8,500 attorneys with a variety of services for the community and profession. With his knowledge and eagerness he will strive to ensure justice and accessibility of the legal system. Tom will work beside the courts to progress the administration of justice by promoting public perceptive and confidence in our system. Tom has numerous professional affiliations... Read more →
On December 15, 2009, our friend and partner Ted Sullivan died unexpectedly. Ted was a devoted husband, proud father, caring friend, trusted mentor, and an exceptional lawyer. His partners and colleagues at Lind, Jensen, Sullivan & Peterson received words of comfort from countless lawyers and judges, all of whom had their own "Ted stories." The firm and Ted's family appreciate all the support and kind words they received.