Brian Wood, Eric Steinhoff, and Lauren D’Cruz Obtain Summary Judgment Dismissal For Client

July 9, 2015

Brian Wood, Eric Steinhoff, and Lauren D’Cruz successfully obtained a summary judgment dismissal on behalf of their insurer client in which the insurer argued that its policy did not provide $1 million in UIM coverage for an accident involving a vehicle driven by the plaintiff, an employee of the insured, and a tractor trailer in Minnesota. The United States District Court, District of Minnesota, agreed, reasoning that the plaintiff’s claim for UIM benefits failed under the plain terms of the Ohio UI/UIM endorsement included in the policy and there was no basis for reforming the policy. The Court concluded that the plaintiff was not entitled to $1 million in UIM coverage and granted the insurer’s motion for summary judgment. The opinion is Tomars v. United Fin. Cas. Co., 2015 WL 3772024 (D. Minn. June 17, 2015) and can be found at Opinion.