P (612) 333-3637 // F (612) 333-1030


Miscellaneous Professional Liability

Professionals are proliferating.  As America’s economy continues its evolution to service-based industries, service providers increasingly are targets of professional liability claims.  Insurers are responding as well, with underwriters offering new forms of professional services coverage to the industries.  Whether labeled professional negligence, errors and omissions, breach of fiduciary duty, or malpractice claims, they complement breach of contract, breach of warranty and general negligence causes of action within claimants’ counsels’ arsenal.  Cyber-related consultants, collection agencies, credit counselors, seminar sponsors, travel agencies, employment agencies, actuaries, freight forwarders, translators, testing laboratories, business brokers, employee benefit plan consultants, teachers, management consultants, interior designers, trustees, environmental consultants, auctioneers, property managers, and others face these new risks.  Our professional liability defense team is out front in this region in the defense of these emerging liabilities.  We work to establish compliance with the standard of care, to disprove causation, to show contributory negligence, to deny a client relationship, to apply the economic loss doctrine, to criticize failure to mitigate damages, and to prove certificate of merit deficiencies.